Resources & Links
Ohio Resources:
Jobs Ohio: Anchored by Ohio’s major metropolitan areas, the state is comprised of six geographic regions with specific industry strengths and resources. Together, they form The JobsOhio Network, a partnership of development professionals with the local contacts and expertise you need.
The JobsOhio Network will help you explore expansion or relocation options, connect you with available funding, and plug you in with leaders who are experiencing success in these regions. No one knows more about the sites, the resources, and the people of these areas like our network partners.
Ohio Development Services Agency: The Ohio Development Services Agency is committed to creating jobs and building strong communities, while ensuring accountability and transparency of taxpayer money and exceptional customer service.
North East Ohio Trade and Economic Consortium NEOTEC:
NEOTEC was established in 1996 through the visionary leadership of county officials in Columbiana, Mahoning, Portage, Stark, Summit and Trumbull counties. They collaborated to form the Joint Office of Economic Development (JOED), which today includes two additional member counties: Medina and Richland. NEOTEC works on behalf of the member counties to carry out the economic development initiatives of the JOED. Through NEOTEC, the JOED’s 8-county leadership remains committed to the goal of regional collaboration to improve economic opportunities in Northeast Ohio.
Ohio Export Report: Data from ODSA and the US Census Bureau.
Ohio Global Agriculture & Trade Program:
Ohio is one of the 12 state members of the Food Export Association of the Midwest USA (formerly MIATCO). The Food Export Association of the Midwest is a private, nonprofit association of Midwestern state agricultural promotion agencies that use federal, state, and industry resources to promote the export of food and agricultural products. The Food Export Association of the Midwest offers a variety of services through Market Access Program (MAP) funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Foreign Agricultural Service.
US Export Assistance Center of Northeast Ohio: The U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Commercial Service is part of a global network of offices located in cities across the United States and at U.S. Embassies and Consulates in more than 80 countries around the world.
Pennsylvania Resources:
Pennsylvania Office of International Business Development: The Pennsylvania Office of International Business Development (OIBD) and its global network of trade and investment offices work around the clock to expand exports and attract foreign direct investment. With the largest network of overseas offices of any state in the U.S., OIBD is committed to supporting Pennsylvania companies by working with them to increase their export sales and encouraging foreign companies to invest in Pennsylvania.
Center for Direct Investment: OIBD’s investment staff and its network of 11 investment contractors work closely with the Governor’s Action Team (GAT), local government(s) and economic development agencies around the state to promote Pennsylvania as a compelling business investment location for international companies.
Pennsylvania Investment Representatives: Pennsylvania’s global investment representatives serve as business advocates and liaisons between federal, state and local governments and potential foreign investors. These overseas offices are committed to eliminating the barriers that foreign companies might encounter in investing, expanding and operating a business in Pennsylvania.
Center for Trade Development: OIBD’s Trade Program reduces the cost, risk and time traditionally associated with international market expansion. By partnering with a Regional Export Network and managing a global network of Authorized Trade Representatives, OIBD provides unrivaled services and expertise for both new-to-export companies and experienced exporters seeking new markets.
Pennsylvania Trade Representatives: Pennsylvania’s interests are represented the world over by its Authorized Trade Representatives. Covering 51 markets from 15 foreign offices, these experts act as your company’s market partners abroad, providing in-country assistance and market intelligence, identifying overseas partners for Pennsylvania companies and supporting in-country trade initiatives.
Upcoming International Trade Events: See listing.